Ok, please excuse the Mama Mia title. I feel ashamed using it, I only saw the movie once at a Basketball camp in 7th grade, I think that is a perfectly acceptable time to see such a show.
Anyway, I chose that title because I created my Gofundme account (http://www.gofundme.com/semesterofadventure). I'll provide the link a few times so that you can see it. I am trying to raise $24,000, it's a lot of money, and I may need more than that for my trip. But that's the very least I could possibly need.
Oh, speaking of money, I have to go pay off my credit card. (I include this so you feel comfortable donating me money because it's clear I am responsible.) Ok, I may need to call my credit union, they're being buttfaces again. Have no fear, should you chose to donate your money it will be in good hands.
And here my link is again, http://www.gofundme.com/semesterofadventure, I don't want you to think that I was being lazy. If you donate $100 dollars I'll send you a postcard, it's a good deal, how many postcards do you get from around the world, like seriously?
Ok, here's the link http://www.gofundme.com/semesterofadventure one more time, and now I will leave you in peace, but, think about it, will you?
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